In the mind of an Earthling .....
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
  A peek at the stuff that goes on in my mind when I'm angry
have a really bad week despite the 2 days National Day Holiday break. It's one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong for no good reason. I was in a murderous mood on Friday and longing to push some whiney idiots into the recycling bins outside the office. Felt better after I have mentally devised methods to torture these fools who stepped on my toes that day....on the long bus ride to Clementi. One of these included having the offender locked up in a room filled with super concentrated gases emitted from the human body.Least I should be mistaken for a patient on a mental breakdown, I shall not reveal my other more extreme fantasies.
Felt so much better at tutorial class where I got to mingle with new classmates. I guess work and studies have taken a bigger and earlier toll on me than I realised. The dreaded symtopms and feelings of fatigue disappeared magically when I sat down to an interesting lesson of paintings and philosophy that evening. It was the exact opposite of what I have expected for the evening's class, as I was not exactly in the mood to discuss tonal range and brushstrokes. But the discussion woke me up from my stupor and we went through about 6 paintings in detail before moving on to philosophy.

And oh yeah! I realised I really do look younger than my actual age, judging by my classmate's reaction when we were chatting about our respective ages, blah blah.
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I like to look at the world from different perspectives and capture her at her best. Hence the blog address -the many faces of life

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Location: Galaxy, Planet Earth, Singapore

I will like to keep my favourite moments frozen, in time's eternity frame. An earthling who wants to look at the better side of everything and one who believes in Dreams (yeah, I mean the ones that comes to your mind when u are in ZZZZ state.)

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